St. Rose of Lima/St. Patrick Mission

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

May 28, 2024




Meeting called to order 7:05 pm

Father Leo opened with opening prayer.

Pastor’s Report

See attached report


 Sid reported that someone had turned the main breaker outside the CCD building off. Turned back on so lights in parking lot are now working. No new projects, just working on current list for last year.

Web Page

Weekly bulletins and articles continue to be posted on Facebook and our website. The calendar on the website is updated with mass times and funerals. Dale has been asked to setup a page on web site for Parish Council meeting minutes.

Faith Formation

Trudy reported that there will be 2 for Holy Communion this year. 2 are in their second year for Confirmation. Julia will be taking over the Confirmation instruction, Trudy will keep doing Communion.


Joe provided final report for 2024 Fish Fry fundraiser. After all donations and expenses, final total of $9,688.98 was net profit. Very much in line with previous events prior to Covid.


Donna Hoffman again reminded that the ICF will be hosting the Bishops Mass and Dinner at St. Rose on September 7th at 4:30. Dinner immediately following in church hall.


Discussion on fundraising events and calendar for rest of 2024 and 2025. Following dates were decided upon.

Christmas Boutique      November 24th                 have pancake breakfast like last year

Christmas Concert        December 8th

Our Lady of Guadalupe               December 15th

Fish Fry                April 11th, 2025



Sid, Mark and Joe meet as was discussed last month to make recommendations on the purchase of AED for church and for hall. All three agreed that the Philips Headstart AED was the best to purchases. Total cost for both would be around $3600.00 to include wall mount case and signs. We can apply to the Crockett Foundation to help cover the cost of the one purchased for the church hall. Vote by Council unanimous to purchase.


New Business

CCD Building

Jamie Barnhart and Kenine Voyles from Bitten by a Kitten made a presentation to the Council for renting the CCD building for their stray cat rescue project. As of yet they had not seen the space but heard it was available. They would make some changes to prevent damage to floors and walls. Would also be able to provide liability insurance, something that would be required by the Diocese.

Sid and Joe meet with a gentleman from a security company, Security Services. They are interested  in renting one of the room for a dispatch center and office. They are also interested in using the back parking area for storing up to 5 patrol vehicles. The dispatcher would be on site 24/7. They would also install cameras around the area to monitor the building and church. They would have their patrol officers respond or call the Sheriff Department if needs. They were advised they would need liability insurance as well.

After discussion it was determined to contact the Diocese and see what they had to say and any requirements they may have. Joe will work with Christina.


Candle Shrine

Joe contact the folks for the Candle Shrine. At that time they did not have any loaners that we could test out. The two loaners in California had been bought by the churches that had been testing them. Joe visited St. Joseph’s shrine area, it is rather large with both temporary and permit candles. For a $2.00 donation you can light one for 5 days. For a permanent one, with a plaque identifying the person, they charge $400.00 per year. The book keeper advised they bring in about $40,000.00 per year. We are much smaller and don’t not expect to bring in that much.

The wall mounted type would be $120.00 per candle, the stand type would be $145.00. So for 30 candles on the stand type, the cost would be $4350.00, wall mount $3600.00.

Will see if we can get them to sent us a test model.


Council positions rotation

Joe brought up the idea of rotation of the Council Chair and Secretary positions. In the audit in 2022, it was recommended that this happen. After discussion current position holders can run again if they choose to. Everyone was asked to think about it and a decision or election would be held at the August 27th council meeting.


Father Leo with Closing prayer. Next meeting August 27th. Meeting adjourned about 8:40 pm.